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Hello. First thing I want to say is thanks for reading. I was just sitting here tonight just thinking and wanted to get the opinion of some women on my thought. Why is it that women don't want good guys? I am years old, attractive, smart, funny, great sense of humor and am told daily that I am a very sweet guy. I have two children that I take perfect care of. I have a great job, work hard, and make good money. It seems to me though that I have a hard time with women. My ex wife even tells me I am the nicest and sweetest guy she ever dated but is now with a man that cheats on her. I will never understand this on my own so please take a few mins to try to enlighten me, cause I just don't get it. Thanks for reading and I hope for some good answers on this. I am want sex.

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In the lab, however, it can be tested more carefully. After the women squirted, they were given another ultrasound and found that their bladders were empty again. The pancreas secretes enzymes into the intestines and insulin into just is peeing squirting bloodstream. The Sex MD. Hi Doc.